For over 85 years, the South Dakota Trucking Association (SDTA) has been a powerful voice for trucking in South Dakota. The leadership provided from the Board of Directors, association members and staff has enabled this industry to survive many challenges.

Some of the association's finest hours have come in difficult times when leadership brought together the diverse segments of this state's trucking industry to focus on an issue to successfully accomplish a single position. There is no substitute for focused leadership backed by the confidence of strength in numbers.

Legislative Accomplishments:

As a result of SDTA Registered Lobbyist efforts coordinated with grassroots lobbying efforts of member companies, the Association has successfully won many legislative battles. Some of these victories are:

- Stopped an attempt to raise fuel taxes by 2 cents per gallon. This victory saved full time truckers approximately $400 per truck on an annual basis.

- Successfully passed a bill that allows some relief for truck drivers that receive a ticket for an overweight violation

- Repealed the tax on in-state transportation services, saving South Dakota businesses nearly four million dollars annually.

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